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ICWPF 2018

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About the Congress

The event used to take place every 5 years and called "World congress of right wing

parties", but it's name has changed and now the Congress will become an annual event.

Carried out by LDPR research of socio-political and economic development of the
countries of the world for the period since the end of the World War II till the
beginning of this century, the main result of which became disintegration of The
Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, the contradictions in the European Union and
military actions in South-Eastern Europe, lack of stability throughout the Middle
East region and the tension of the situation on Korean Peninsula, led to a general
conclusion about crisis of existing political regimes and the inevitable leaving of
the current ruling elites. They will be replaced by new forces in the process of formation of new socio-political system and the world order within the whole XXI century.

At the final stage of the Congress it is expected to adopt the outcome document −
the "Moscow Declaration of the World Congress of Peace-loving Forces", which
will include the basic principles of stabilizing and strengthening the world order,
eliminating social inequality, sustainable development and eradicating all forms of
violence in hot spots around the world.

Terms and rules

1) Participation in the Сongress is free of charge.


2) There are 3 types of participation: Guest, Speaker, Press.

3) You can join the Congress by e-mail or registration.

4) LDPR provides the event with the place. 

5) The LDPR do not pay costs of a flight. 

6) The LDPR do not pay the costs of hotel accommodation.

7) LDPR can advise on the hotel accommodation and transportation.

8) The whole cultural program is free for guests and speakers.

9) All the food provision and coffee-breaks while the Event and Cultural program are carried out by the convenors.

10) The Party eases and accelerates the process of obtaining a visa through it’s deputies and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

11) All the information for visa obtaining shall be sent in mid-May.

12) The general part of the Congress takes place on Monday 7 June 2018 at the Institute of World Civilizations in Moscow. The event begins at 12:00, has coffe break and lasts until 19:00.

13) Every speaker has 10-15 minutes for his speech/report/presentation.

14) Additional part (in case of need) takes place on the next day at the main building of the State Duma or IWC.

15) The final day of the event is devoted to the cultural program and includes a visit to a museum and the Bolshoi Theatre.

16) It is advisable to arrive in advance (10 minutes).

17) All the reports and presentations will be published in LDPR newspaper and social networks.

18) Organizators will publish the list of guests and speakers on 1st June, 2018.

19) The organization of the congress is the responsibility of the LDPR international department and RD.

20) Terms, rules, timetables, places may be changed depending on the circumstances.


The Congress is organised by International department of LDPR and RD.


Backup website

International Department of LDPR


Phone   +7 (903) 123-55-48


Yury Dronov (Head of the Department)


Who make The ICPLF?

ICWPF is organised by Liberal Democratic party of Russia and RD

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